Garden of the Sleeping Angels by Melanie Burns

The Garden of the Sleeping Angels is created specifically for those who have experienced the loss of an infant or child—in utero, stillborn, or after birth. It serves as a living reminder that although we can no longer hold or touch our loved ones, we can remember them always. It is not a cemetery; it is a series of gardens with memorials representing our missing children. Our hope is that visits to this peaceful setting will enable you to remember, reflect, grieve, and begin healing as you celebrate your sweet one’s all too short time on this earth. We also welcome visits from caregivers—those who have been blessed to be part of the angels’ lives. We welcome all families and angels regardless of religious (or non-religious) beliefs.

The Garden of the Sleeping Angels began as one garden. Since then, more and more people have become part of our community, adding their angels to the gardens. We now have 15 gardens. We are a community of families, friends, and caregivers missing our children who left too soon. We gather together for events throughout the year, though everyone is welcome to come visit the gardens any time.

When a new family seeks to join our Garden, they are invited to come out for a tour and to share their story. They are provided an angel to place in a garden of their choice. Then they are invited to come out at any time.

We are located at 3405 County Road 6, Orono, MN 55356