To all who happen across our wonderful web site:
Too little time spent updating our blog and updating activity here! For that I apologize, but our neglect
is not because of limited interest on your parts or on mine~just so many segments of updating a ‘memory’ Garden
such as we have here entails lots of pieces. Some pieces are easy to identify and take care of (weeding, for
example). Other pieces, and to me, more importantly, are caring for families’ hearts in their losses. We try
hard to remember each baby early in the month they received their wings, and occasionally fall short even here.
When I put myself in your place, perhaps looking for my baby’s name in writing on the Garden group page in Facebook, and
perhaps not to see the name there, I personally would be pretty disappointed and saddened. This is akin to forgetting
a family member’s birthday!!
Anyway, we had a lovely Celebration of Angels gathering here last summer, and feel that you all made it a success by first
of all showing up and wandering the gardens, but also supporting our causes via donating items or service to the silent
auction. We made the decision to do this every other year, but today (Mother’s Day eve) I found myself thinking “we could/should do this again this year”. Hmmmm….will let you know.
If you happen across this writing. Please tell friends, family ~anybody~ about us!! We are always open to you and yours,
and have pretty routinely hosted “open Gardens” each weekend for you to stop by, wander, chat and perhaps visit your
own memorial.
If there is anything we can do to make things easier for you (remember, we host memorial services here also), please
contact us via my email ( or phone 612-986-3737).
Blessings to you!
Nancy and Tom Sawyer
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