Katja Manrodt, BAN, RN (Writer at Garden of the Sleeping Angels) On Monday, April 15, 2024, Garden of the Sleeping Angels was highlighted in a live news segment on KSTP-TV. Minnesota Live co-anchors Megan Newquist and Chris Egert interviewed Nancy Sawyer, the local nonprofit organization’s
Garden of the Sleeping Angels 2023 Annual Update Our history as a nonprofit is based on stories. The realization of the Garden of the Sleeping Angels (GSA) came about because of one wee baby girl, Isabella, and I’m sharing her story with the permission of her parents, Sarah and Jim
Garden of the Sleeping Angels 2021 Update
Healing Happens Here “Nestled among the rose bushes, birdbaths, hanging baskets and greenery are dozens of ceramic angels, each with its own name and design. The angels represent babies gone too soon, and they rest here, in these spaces designed to offer peace, dignity and healing to families who
GSA 2020 Annual Update
Have you heard of a place that offers love, comfort, kindness, support, peace and tranquility? The Garden of the Sleeping Angels was originally created as a memorial space to give those who have lost a baby or child a place to remember, reflect, grieve and heal. From one garden to over fifteen,
Mothers’ Day in the Gardens
To all who happen across our wonderful web site: Too little time spent updating our blog and updating activity here! For that I apologize, but our neglect is not because of limited interest on your parts or on mine~just so many segments of updating a 'memory' Garden such as we have here